Weekends over! wee...
looking forward to monday blues..
y they call it monday blues uh? i like the color blue but then they made it as if blue is a dead color.
weekend was great...
on the friday, the juniors had our showcase to the seniors and obviously, we are wack.
still remembered wad Ryan said.
theres onli a good or bad answer, theres no middle.
so wad if people say ur good with a But...
for example " i think choreography wise its impressive... But"
tt means we are still no good people.
and yeap my group did their stuff...
they liked the edited pic.

it all fits, the lightings, the pose, and all the handsome/pretty people
at friday night, went car-washing with the gang, hand out, laughed out and smoked out till 4 in da morn and headed to najib's hse to stay over.
Saturday nite!
me and najib's dad had a man to man talk and discuss about bapak-angkat mak angkat and stuffs.
see i still have wonderful friends whom even their family wana care for me...
unlike my parents... so unworthy.
the decision now is wether to faris's or to najib's.
let time do the talking.
what wrong could i ever did to u tt u have to hate me?
to even to cause u to talk bad BEHIND me...
u know i dun like the idea of talking behind people. even if ur trying to talk me into it... i wont talk bad about ohters.
how could u speak of my childish-ness when it was my childish-ness that made ur day/ laughter or just a smile?
how could u speak of my immaturity wen it was my immaturity tat u loved?
u did wrong but i never hated u...
u left for some guy but i din hate u...
i just cant imagine how could u...
even to talk bad about me in front of my friends...
u know they will tell me sooner or later ryte?
u talk bad abt my friends to me,
well if u have a problem with my friends, u have a problem with me!
its because of them that i lived for, smiled for.
just how could u nelly?
i just couldnt let u be anonymous can i? sorie i had to reveal u. i know ur reading this.Labels: isnt appreciating a hard work to do?