outside studio

I kept thinking,
am i realli ready for a relationship?
am i prepared for what is expected in a relationship?
is it the right time for me to Get into a relationship?
i thought i was ready,
but no, im still used to the single life im having.
so much so that i actually ignored and not pay attention to the one who needed it the most.
to the one who Deserves the attention and love.
not because of what she gave to me,
but its because of the heart she puts in into giving me.
she realli did wana stand out.
she realli wana make a difference in this life.
and im happy to say,
she's achieved it.
what sets her apart from the rest is that,
she really makes me feel special.
which is why,
she deserves my attention.
Syasya @ Mount Faber

birthday celebration for me this year?
spent my advance birthday celebration with Syasya on saturday afternoon,
we went to mount faber,
our first ever time going there.
spectacular view, along with spectacular company.
and as sweet as she could ever be,
when i opened my eyes after being told to blindfold,
she handed me this gift.
its an And1 shirt which i particularly liked.
at that point of time,
i felt utter shocked and speechless at wad she did fer me.
and yes, we had our fun there.
later on during the night,
Worm bestie, Adam, Idrus and me went to Lau Pa Sat to eat satay thr.
by the time we finished the 40 sticks.
we're as bloated as a panda! ahhaa
we only for me coz the rest are aready 'bloated' ;)
well we hang out town duly after that,
watched Zohan too!
friends, all i can say now is thank you for the company.

just when i thought that there's no more birthday wishes,
one surprise which Dear Aisyah did is one particular one which aint expected of her.
on wednesday afternoon,
she practically showed up at my doorstep while chatting with me on the phone.
well actually i just woke up not long before,
wad can u expect?
messied hair? just-woke-up face?
shameful i tell you.
she was there to pass me a cake.
chocolate cake!
with someone like her, i couldn't ask for more!
later on that day i had welcome tea session with the juniors,
and my beloved fellow crewmate gifted me with a cake too!
thank you guys! love yall to the heart!
well, amidst the fun and company,
i actually forgot about someone.
naturally, one would be upset if you're forgotten...
need not elaborate.
but its all good now yeah? :D
im running out of ideas to add on...
1stly i would like to thank Syasya for the gift, the company the cake, EVERYTHING! :D
crewmates wish.
and most of all, Friends and families who remembers the birth of an unlucky child.
ok wait. sorry, ida told me to change,
the birthdate of someone whose life is goina get better! :D
may god bless all of you.
amidst everything, deep in the back of my mind, i still miss you, my grandma.
Labels: i could tell you how great my life is now., if you were still here in this world